Conversations Between Valleys, Rivers & Mountains

December 20, 2023

CALI | On 20 December, OtherNetwork hosted the event ‘Conversaciones entre valles, ríos y montañas’. Hosted by Camilo Quiroga, the event delved into cultural production among regions outside of the Colombian capital that are often overlooked for their artistic output at a national level. Far from being provincial, each city has its own set of creative initiatives that keep the local scene alive.

The event therefore brought together speakers from different parts of the country, including Ericka Flórez from Lugar a Dudas (Cali), Tony Evanko from Casa Tres Patios (Medellin), Jaider Orsini from Plataforma Caníbal (Barranquilla), Edinson Quiñones from Popayork Residencia Artística (Popayán), and Francy Silva from Ka+ Komuiya Uai. Given the countrywide reach but the difficulty in travelling, the event was a hybrid between digital and in-person.


  • Moderator
    Camilo Quiroga
  • Panelists
    Ericka Flórez, Tony Evanko, Jaider Orsini, Edinson Quiñones, Francy Silva